Riley now sits in the Bumbo....and Addie in her football jersey!
Addie's "Frosty!"
So cute...but impossible to get a happy hat picture this month! :-)
Tummy time.....Riley is starting to enjoy it.
Twins.....such fun outfits (thanks Nana)...but of course Addie as serious as can be!
Thanks Uncle Nick! matching shirts for UNC!
Riley is over three months now..... She is just a doll! Honestly, the sweetest little thing ever! She sleeps incredibly well....only awakening once at night to feed 90% of the nights...... She loves to sit in her bouncer chair, work on tummy time on her mat, and give precious smiles! She is growing like crazy, and I am going to have to pull out the 6 month clothes in the next couple of weeks. She is super alert during the days now, and usually nurses about every 3 hours.
We are going to have to see an opthalmologist for her in a couple weeks due to what we have found to be a "wandering eye" or lazy eye. It seems to us, and the pediatrician, that she has not outgrown this "cross-eyed" look that she should have at 2 we need to make sure that we don't need to do anything. We may be faced with a patched eye for a while.....we'll see after our appointment on March 14. I sincerely hope that we can get it taken care of and it won't impact her vision!!!
Addison is a busy, busy toddler! She is really starting to become a little girl these days! She seems to be getting taller and losing her chub. She is also speaking in sentences most of the time. We are still working on potty training (but sort of with her own initiation), and she is getting better! She has now pooped and peed in the potty when we are out places a few times, and even stayed dry for a few hours the other morning at playgroup. It is a work in process...but the princess panties seem to be helping! Addie continues to love her music class at McPhail on Thursdays, and we try to have several playdates with friends for socialization during the week. Addison is super excited to be a flower girl in her uncle Adam's wedding in March alongside her cousin Victoria! We have also been back to Choo Choo Bobs recently, Williston Park (to climb) and Skyzone (Addie's favorite...for the trampoline). :-)
Addie is regularly found playing dolls (changing diapers, changing clothes, feeding them), "cleaning my house" with her cleaning cart or a babywipe, or tormenting her poor brother Wally (she loves to throw his ball, clean him, and play in his water dish....thank goodness he is patient!) She still loves her football jersey paired with tee-tee pants and her elf hat; however, has also been a ltitle more girly lately as she tries to" dress like Riley " some days! :-)
Our places is "pocket listed" for sale....which means that we have had a few showing so far....definitely a challenge keeping the place clean; however, we realize this is what has to be done. We are going to put it fully listed in mid-March.
Opa and Jojo are coming tomorrow for a little over a week to visit with and help with the girls. Noah is headed to Vegas for a conference for a few days and then will be back mid-week. Super excited for their visit!! :-)