Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas and family and friends!

Sorry it has been a while since the last post...but with the holidays, we have been very busy! The week before we left for the holidays were spent with packing up, working a couple days, holiday parties, and a couple treks out with friends!
Addie first rolled over from her belly to her back on Friday, December 17th......received a text message from Annie (our nanny) while I was at work....she was able to capture the big moment on the video camera! Addie joined us that night at Kieran's with some of Noah's friends, and of course we had to brag about the big accomplishment! We also had a fun holiday dinner and brunch with some friends in the building (and Addie's little "boyfriend" William) that weekend...we love to get the little ones together!
On the 2oth Noah drove Addie and I to the airport and we flew to Indy together for the holidays! Addison was great on the plane, even though we had to be de-iced and sat on the runway for about an hour....up the whole time playing, smiling and entertaining everyone...no tears or screams thank goodness! It is amazing how nice everyone is on Delta airlines when traveling with an infant....I was very impressed with the help getting through security. They even gave me my own two seats so I could nurse comfortably!
We have been in Indy visiting family and attending numerous parties/get togethers for the last week or so......Addison has tolerated being passed around and entertained by numerous different people extremely well! Some of the highlights of the week were Addison getting to meet her two great grandmothers, getting to sit on Santa's lap, wearing her first beautiful Christmas dress, and hanging out with numerous other family members and friends.
Noah flew in on the 22nd, and got to spend his first Christmas in Indy as well...Nick and Jen came in on the 25th morning..it was wonderful to have everyone here together with the exception of our little Wally (who unfortunately couldn't make the trip!)
Addison was super spoiled this holiday season with adorable Christmas outfits, many cute outfits to grow in to very soon, lots of toys to enjoy and so much LOVE! She received a very special gift from her grandma, Nanny....a beautiful gold heart necklace that was given to Nanny when she was a baby from her grandmother.....with a little effort we figured out that this necklace is from Addison's great, great, great grandmother "Nanny"....what a treasure!!
Today is our last day with Opa and Jojo before heading back to Minneapolis tomorrow.....enjoy the pics...(only a few from the last couple wonderful weeks!) Mommy and daddy got a new beautiful camera for Christmas and can't wait to learn how to capture even more adorable Addison moments in the months ahead!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Blizzard here in MN!!

Brrr....it is super cold outside and we are stuck inside during the first blizzard of the year!!! Lucky for me, it is a great time to update the blog and get some things done around the house. It has been a super busy couple weeks with heading back to work! I am working Thursday/Fridays and every other weekend. The first few days back were a little overwhelming getting in the hang of having to see patients and still pump 3 times during the day....definitely a juggling act! But, I will honestly say it hasn't been too bad. It makes me enjoy my days off with Addie even more!! We had some really fun days last week including decorating for Christmas, going for some walks in the snow and making Christmas cookies with some friends in the building.

Addison turned 3 months on Monday.....such a happy, active, fun girl!! She is super close to rolling over and talking a bunch! She is either sleeping through the night or awakening after about 5 hours or so to eat and then back to sleep...it has been nice! I rush home on the days I work to squeeze and hold her the rest of the evening! It is so wonderful to come home to my darling little girl!

Addison is having wonderful days with her new nanny, Annie....and I feel so relieved to have such reliable help. I come home each day to a long note about the details of the day including how many diapers, bottles, naps and what she did for playtime! It is so nice to feel like I haven't missed a beat! Annie is going to be watching Addie tomorrow too....as Noah and I are headed to brunch and the Vikings game as our Christmas gift to eah other! Excited!!!

Today we are snuggled up inside due to a blizzard!!! The snow is blowing everywhere and we already have over a foot out there! I took Wally out this morning and he absolutely loved it!!! Addie and I have looked out the window, but she spent time snuggling with daddy this morning as it definitely is not condition for her to be out!

We are greatly looking forward to our trip to Indy in just over a week for Christmas! Mommy hasn't been home in a year....and Addison has yet to meet the extended family! Addie and I will be in Indy December 20-29 (Jojo and Opa are super excited!!!), and Noah will be joining us the 22-26. Also, Nick and Jen will be home for two nights over Christmas weekend! It will be a wonderful holiday to have the family together!!!

Enjoy these fun pics from recent, including Opa's December hat, the Colts hat that Uncle Adam sent our way, our new favorite Bumbo chair, and the warm slippers that Great Aunt Ann sent to us!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Turkey Week!!!

Yesterday we returned from North Carolina after a wonderful 9 day visit!

Addison was absolutely perfect with the traveling..what a trooper! She didn't let out a peep from the time we left our condo Saturday morning until we arrived in the airport in Raleigh.....and same for the return trip in reverse! Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to nurse on take-off....it worked beautifully and she passed out immediately! The people around us couldn't believe how well she traveled!

North Carolina had beautiful weather....the peak of Fall and temperatures in the 60s mostly! Some of the highlights of the trip included a trip to UNC for the day (showing Addison our campus and buying her a new UNC sunhat!), Addison getting to meet her Uncle Adam and cousin Victoria (Victoria was such a helper-wanting to help change diapers, play with and hold the baby), a trip to the mall with the entire family, a visit from our friends Morgan and Richard and their twins, a trek to Lake Hyco to visit Noah's best friends James and Drew and our friends Ana, Chris and Ben from Minneapolis, the Thanksgiving Day turkey trot 8K (my first race since before pregnancy), a delicious Thanksgiving dinner cooked by Trish, a family photo session, and dinner and drinks out with our friends Ryan and Sanghmi to celebrate their upcoming weekend. Addison got to spend some quality time with Nana and Papa, and the entire family....such wonderful memories in the making!
We are now back in Minneapolis enjoying my last few days of maternity leave before returning to work this Thursday.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Smiles and snuggles

Another busy week comes to a close.......I can't believe how quickly these 12 weeks are passing us by! My little one is so big now.....almost double her birth weight. I hopped on the scale with her the other day and she is close to 11 pounds!!!

Last Saturday we hosted our 30th birthday party.....so much fun to have some people over for a relaxing night. The first big snow kept some away, but still great times!!! and lots of beer and food to share! We had leftover beers for happy hour all week long...Noah loved it! Addison did well being passed around and snuggled all night!! She wore jeans to the party....her first time ever in blue jeans.....wow, what an amazing thought! (hahaha!) Daddy and I ofcourse snapped tons of photos of this monumentous moment...adding to her firsts!

The week was filled with visits and playdates.....Monday afternoon our new nanny, Annie, came over to play for a few hours and learned more about Addie in preparation for the debut in a couple weeks. Addison smiled at her and seems to enjoy her! Wednesday, Kat came over for a visit in the evening and also had a great time snuggling and playing with Addison! Thursday, we treked to Burnsville and spent the afternoon playing with Courtney and her three kids.....Addison loved watching the two older children run around and her new friend Molly and her were exchanging baby smiles....so cute! Mommy had a nice time hanging with these girlfriends as well!!

Friday the day was spent packing and getting ready for a trip to North Carolina....we are leaving today!!! So much to prepare and think about when traveling with an infant... I can't say I'm not nervous...but I'm looking forward to tackling this challenge in preparation for years to come of air travel. Addison will do great I'm sure!

I just learned that I got Christmas Eve off of work, so I'm planning to head to Indy for a full week or so....Noah will come for as long as he is able to also! I can't wait for this trip too!

I am so thrilled that Addison will get such quality time with both sides of her family this year!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Such a big girl!!!

This was a busy week.......
Addison is sleeping so well now....we are so proud of her! She has slept through several full nights and other nights generally only awakens once for feeding! We are so pleased with her progress! The challenge will be transitioning her from her napper chair where she currently sleeps (due to reflux) to her crib....she still hates lying flat and usually gets upset in this position. We are considering elevating the mattress a bit while we take this step!
We had our two month appointment this week...and Addison received her first shots! ouch!! She definitely went hysterical and then had a fever that night...a little fussy and wanting to nurse more often than normal....but by the next morning she was back to her healthy, smiling self! Such a big girl! She is up to 9 pounds 15 ounces as of her appointment on 11/10 (Wednesday). The pediatrician is very pleased with her weight gain, and she is at the 15th percentile for breastfed babies at this age.....up from 1st percentile at birth! :-)
Addison had a fun playdate with her friend Benjamin on Thursday....he is 11 months old. She was so interested in watching him stand and even take a few steps now, and he was intrigued by looking at the baby. We can't wait until they can really interact together!!
As for Noah and I....we are doing well. He is busy with research, but also getting plenty of time to hang out with the family. We have enjoyed many family outings this week including probably the last of our walks while the weather lasts and a dinner out last night. We are looking forward to our 30th birthday party tonight.....we are having people over for chili, a pony keg and football to celebrate...shall be fun!
I was cleared by the surgeon after my appointment yesterday morning..... Things are healing well and I am now back to running...yeah!!! I ran the last two days, and although a little sore afterwards (as he told me to expect), it feels good to be working on getting in shape again! Noah and I are still planning on the 8K turkey trot race in North Carolina on Thanksgiving!
Noah gave me the best gift ever this week...it arrived in the mail yesterday! My combination 30th birthday present and a gift in honor of our new daughter...a beautiful sapphire ring! I absolutely love it!! It means the world to me...and I will think of my wonderful family each time I see it during the day.
We are leaving for NC one week from today....looking forward to it! This week will be busy packing up and figuring out what we need to take with us.... Addie will be flying for the first time next Saturday! I am dreading the return to work in just 2 1/2 weeks.....ugh.....but at the same time I know I'll get through it, and Addie will do great with our new nanny, Annie!
Enjoy the pics from the week (including one of our new November hat from Opa!!!) I am still trying to capture that beautiful smile!!!! :-) I generally enjoy it so much that I don't even think to run for the camera!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

2 months old!!!

Addison showed us what a big girl she is becoming by sleeping almost 7 hours straight last night......so proud of her! Today we celebrate her 2 month birthday!

She is currently all snuggled up on the boppy pillow on the couch... Wally hopped up on the couch earlier this morning and rested his nose next to her for a long nap as well. Luckily I was able to grab my camera and capture the moment!

This week has been quite the break through in sleeping and smiling.......we have only had to awaken a maximum of one time a night to feed her and we are receiving numerous smiles! She is really learning to relax and enjoy the daytime!

My recovery from surgery has been going well......still taking pain mediations intermittently when I'm sore, but I have been able to wean quite a bit and I'm moving around much better! My belly remains quite swollen, but this will probably take a while. I've been on a couple mile long walks outside the last couple days and with less pain meds, I'm needing less naps during the days! It's so nice to have this surgery behind me and know that it is all getting better from here! Noah has continued to be a great help to me, and my friend Anne was here on Thursday and helped me in the afternoon. It was so nice to visit with her and have her company!

Last night we had some neighbors over for dinner....they are expecting a little girl a week from today! They enjoyed seeing Addison and it was really fun to share her stories with a couple who will soon be going through the same exciting times that have consumed our last two months! :-)

Enjoy our most recent pictures from the past week! :-)...Addison as pumpking hiking with mommy and daddy on Halloween, playing with Anne, tummy time and snuggling with Wally!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Road to Recovery!

So, yesterday was my 30th birthday and my bilateral inguinal hernia repair surgery......what a day!

Noah and I left around 9 in the morning to drop Addison off at my friend Courtney's house.....she hung out with Courtney and her three children all day and had a very fun playdate! Luckily Courtney said she was very well behaved! Good girl Addie! Courtney is such a wonderful friend, and she sure eased my worries about leaving her...thank you Courtney!

We arrived at the hospital at 11am as instructed and I finally went in to surgery around 1:30pm....lots of pre-op procedures, instructions, waiting......my anxiety was definitely rising, but Noah kept me calm and the staff were all excellent in making me feel as reassured as possible that things would go well.

The procedure was a couple hours long and then it took me a few hours in the recovery room to awaken......but things went well. They were able to repair me endoscopically which means that I have three small incisions below my belly button vs. one large incision. My pain was pretty bad in the recovery room, so they kept administering more and more IV pain meds.....once it was down to a 3 or 4/10 on the pain scale I was taken to a smaller recovery room where I got to see Noah again and continue to awaken. I was so happy to see him! I remained pretty groggy, but was able to take a short walk to the bathroom in order to get released. I remember every bump in the road on the way home last night, that is for sure...ouch! My friend Courtney was so kind to bring Addison to us when we got home around 9:30pm, so that we didn't have to trek far.

I was extremely sore last night and stuck to the pain meds every four hours......I slept fairly well considering my tough day!

Today I am resting a ton and trying to wean a little with the pain meds; however, I remain in a pretty significant amount of pain. Moving around is still very uncomfortable and I am still so tired! I've been forcing myself to walk to the bathroom and kitchen a couple times, but even this wears me out. I know this is all a normal part of recovery though, and that I will get through it. I have been able to hold Addison a little today and took a nap with her......she is full of smiles and being such a sweetheart...as if she knows that mommy doesn't feel well. Noah has been a saint! He was up last night whenever the baby needed something and waiting on me with whatever I needed.....I am so fortunate to have the best husband ever! He is here with me today and plans to be around tomorrow as well.

I received a surprise, really nice phone call this morning from my surgeon to check on me....wow, what a great man! He just wanted to make sure that I was feeling better and see if I needed anything or had any questions.....

I am on light duty-cannot lift > 10 pounds for the next 2 weeks....luckily Addison weighs 9 lbs. ounces right now, so I think we are going to be able to make it after a couple more days of taking it really easy! So glad I have a petite baby!

I am definitely on the road to recovery.....and feel confident that I will be back to my old self in just a few days.......more updates to come! Thank you all for your love and support! I will never forget my 30th birthday!

Here is a picture of me and my baby girl cuddling this morning!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Rehab babies

A rehab babies picture....in the order of our delivery dates!! Enjoy! And another picture of Addison at the halloween party!!!

Happy Halloween!!

Today is Addison's first Halloween!!!

This week was filled with lots of fun family time! Opa and Jojo arrived on Wednesday, and we spent the last 5 days being spoiled!! We had many walks outside, a few meals outside enjoying the beautiful weather, a night snuggling with Jojo and Opa while mommy and daddy went out with friends, and a fun Halloween party at mommy's work on Friday! At the Halloween party, Addison dressed in an adorable little pumpking outfit and got to meet the other 4 "rehab babies" born in September! She was by far the smallet baby in attendance...and slept most of the party due to nursing before and that relaxing car ride! Near the end, Addison woke up and played with babies Wesley (Kelly's), Ellie (Karl's), Molly (Courtney's) and Myra (Ali's)...so much fun! We took another rehab picture in the order we delivered (check out the earlier blog from the summer for the initial due date photo).

Addison gave Opa and Jojo their first smiles during this visit! She also got to sing fun songs like "Baby in the Mirror" and "Queen of the Mountain"-made up favorites!! Addison slept her longest stretches yet the last few days.....consistently 5-6 hour stretches during the night. Mommy got 6 hours straight of sleep last night....definitely the most since mid-pregnancy....and wow do I ever feel great today!

Last night we weighed Addison, and we are up to 9 1/2 pounds....we are now fitting in to the last of our newborn outfits and starting on our 3 month clothes...what a big girl!! :-) We are surprised by how alert she has become and by the increased number of smiles! She sits for storytime and enjoys her playtime even more each day.

On Friday morning mommy found out that she has to have surgery this Tuesday (her 30th birthday...ugh!) for her inguinal hernia developed during pregnancy! This has definitely caused some anxiety in the house and a little stress in preparations for around the clock care for Addison and mommy (during her recovery!)....but we are sure that we'll get through it and back to normal in no time! Our wonderful friend Courtney has volunteered to watch Addison on Tuesday during the surgery so that daddy can be with mommy in the hospital. We will write again post-op to let everyone know that we are doing great!!!

Enjoy the pics from the last few days of our precious peanut! :-)

Monday, October 25, 2010

7 weeks old today.....and 9 pounds!!!

Our sweet girl is 7 weeks old today..... We were sharing stories of her birth recently with some friends who had just told us they are expecting.....and wow, I can't believe it has been almost 2 months since that special day......

We enjoyed the rest of Nana's visit and were sad to say goodbye to her on Saturday morning. Addison loved her cuddles! Noah and I love our visit with her as well.... We appreciated the help and the time to run together and get out a couple times!

Noah and I got to enjoy our first date night last Thursday to 112 Eatery (thanks to my brother Nick and sister in law Jen for their generosity!) We had delicious food and were out guilt-free since Nana was with Addison! It was wonderful!
We also had some fun adventures ........downtown for shopping, out to lunch at Barrio and Big Bowl, out to dinner at Brasa with friends, to the Roseville mall with Nana, and walking the river with our new friends Stacy and baby William. We had an exciting visit from our friend Krista who brought us some delicious banana chocolate bread...yum! What a great week!

This week was also full of firsts for our little one......we have seen a few first smiles (off and on during the week).....after nursing a couple times I get some wide open mouth smiles, and Noah gets them during playtime. It is so rewarding to see her eyes light up with a wide grin!

Addison also grabbed a rattle for the first time this week. We were playing on the playmat and I was trying to entertain her with the rattle dangling above her. When the rattle touched her hand, she reached out and grabbed it! She seemed so surprised and continued to entertain herself with the toy for a couple minutes.....so adorable! I ofcourse ran for the camera and captured a few pics!

Addison is up to 9 lbs!! We weighed her on Wednesday of last week right before bathtime and we couldn't believe our eyes! She is up almost 4 lbs from her birth weight! Those chubby cheeks and thighs are irresistible! :-) We are officially out of most of our newborn clothes and in to our 0-3 month outfits! We have even tried on a few 3 month onesies, which aren't so big anymore.....can't believe it!

She is still eating like a champ...more frequently during the day (about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours), but with longer stretches at night. She is now sleeping 4-5 hour stretches at night.....amazing! We are still putting her down in her newborn napper chair, as the spitting up is still bothering her and this seems to help.

We are greatly looking forward to the week ahead......a visit from Anne, our future Nanny this afternoon.....!!! a visit from Jojo and Opa later this week! and a fun work Halloween party on Friday!! We hear from Jojo that there may be some aorable little halloween outfits in the near future!!! :-) More photos to come....................
Enjoy the pictures from this week!!!