Monday, August 20, 2012

26 1/2 weeks and growing!

Our computer has been dead since the last entry on the blog due to Addie throwing a piece of her wooden puzzle at the screen, just as I was about to submit the last entry, July 31 (hence, why it appears as August 1.....had to figure out how to do it on my phone the next day).  Luckily, we ended up ordering a new screen online and Noah watched a you tube video to figure out how to install.  We are only out $80, so not as big of a deal as I originally had imagined!!!
The month of August has absolutely flown by......if these keeps up, the baby will be here before we know it!
Addison has been busy checking out a neighborhood pool, attending Little Gym classes, playing with friends in the neighborhood, having brunch with friends, having movie night with friends, swimming with daddy at the ENT bbq, running alongside Wally on many evening walks, and riding in her favorite backpack!  The amount of energy inside an almost 2 year old is absolutely amazing.....and as I grow larger and larger this pregnancy, it continues to amaze me even more!
Addison is talking a words and new phrases constantly.  One of her new favorite things to say is "come on mama" or "come on daddy".....she will then grab our arm and direct us to wherever she wishes.  The other day at daycare I was dropping her off and she sat down on the mat, tapped the floor next to her and said, "sit down mama."  Maybe a little bossy....but definitely cute at this age! :-)
She still is adament about picking out her clothing each morning, and outfits continue to get more entertaining each day.  If it isn't her favorite choo-choo shirt (which I've started hiding), it may include odd accessories such as a bib, a hair bow that doesn't match, underwear over her shorts or leggings, or even two different shoes (today she had a sneaker on the wrong foot and a sandal on the other).  This morning she demanded to keep her pj shirt on when we went to the OB.  It is always entertaining regardless! :-)  The good part of all of this is that she has learned to put on her own pants and shoes.....
Addison continues to have some accidents in her crib at night when she doesn't like her wet diaper and pulls them off without letting us know......we have definitely gone in to her room to find a mess after nap time or even in the middle of the night.  We are preparing to start potty training after vacation.
As for the new baby, she is growing a ton and very active!  Last night I felt hiccups by my left side, and this morning at the OB her head was up toward my belly button on the right side.  She was kicking the doppler like crazy this morning after my glucose test....that really got her excited!  I am measuring right on track for my delivery date....and luckily my weight gain is right on track as well.  I have gained 22 pounds so hopefully only another 10 or so and I'll be within the 25-35 recommended weight gain.  I am still managing to work out a little on the elliptical...I aim for 3-4 days a week....and still doing lots of Wally walking in the evenings as a family.  This morning I had my glucose test and hemoglobin hopefully all will be ok when I hear the results.   I am now on an every 2 week schedule for the OB...and next time I get my rho-gam shot is just flying by!
 our little musician....we are looking forward to starting McPhail music classes again in september!
 snack time with friends, Nils and William, at the park!
Addison and I at the park with Wally and best little girlfriend!
 Addison's first very own milkshake.....she was sick, and she loved it!!!
 Movie night and bbq with friends!
 Mama's car....she loves to pretend to drive!
Addison snoozing after watching her choo-choo movie when she was sick :-( poor girl

Addison and I are leaving for NC on Wednesday morning....wish me luck flying with a 2 year old.  I did trek to Best Buy this morning and bought a travel DVD player.....I figure not the worst investment as hopefully this will provide hours of travel entertainment for the kids over the years!  More news when we return from NC the first week of September...just in time for Opa and Jojo's visit and Addison's 2nd birthday and birthday party!!! :-)

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