Is it really the end of October already???!!! I can't believe how quickly the past almost 14 months have gone since Addie was born!
In the last couple weeks we have had the peak of Fall, and now things are really cooling off around here. The highs are around 50 degrees this week. Addison is definitely feeling the change in weather.....with a constant runny nose and a little cough. Poor thing! It never seems to turn in to anything more serious than a cold, thank goodness, but I'm sure she can't be terribly comfortably with a constant head full of snot! Ugh! We are doing our best to keep her hydrated, well fed and warm!
Addie got her new brown puffy Winter jacket last week, and it fits perfect! After we were disappointed with the thin "Winter" jacket that we had ordered from Patagonia, we re-ordered a new jacket from Old Navy, and believe it or not, it is much thicker and warmer than the other! I guess we learned our don't have to pay a lot of money to keep your baby warm! :-) Good to know! We have also bought a couple more Winter hats to add to our collection from Opa from last year (some of which still fit great!)
Addison is continuing to enjoy music class each Monday......she seems to like the other children, and loves exploring the instruments and sounds! She takes wonderful naps after so much stimulation in this class. She is also doing well with daycare. Last week she had to go for 3 days, as mommy had to work an extra day, but seemed happy each day when I came to get her. The caregivers said she loves to go on the buggy rides with the other children! I came to pick her up on Friday evening and she was sitting on the mat next to a smaller child turning the pages of a book and "reading" aloud to them. So cute! Our favorite moments are of course when mommy and/or daddy arrive at the end of the day and Addison lets out a squeal as she hurries over to us with open arms! Our sweet baby girl! :-)
On the days that daddy works and mommy is home with Addie and Wally, it has been fun to excite them at the end of the day that "daddy is coming home!" They each run from the living room to the door and await his arrival! We even wait in the hallway sometimes! One day last week Addison was hiding in the kitchen closet when daddy was adorable! :-)
Addie has had some fun days with Annie lately, and she seems to remember how much she loves her each time! Yesterday when Annie arrived to watch Addie during the Vikings/Packers game, Addie ran across the room to greet her with a big hug! We are so fortunate to have the BEST babysitter ever!
We are eagerly awaiting Opa and Jojo's arrival this Wednesday evening for 5 days!!! We have a few activities planned to celebrate Halloween with them, but other than that they are just looking forward to some snuggle time with Addison! And Addison can't wait to show off all of her new tricks! :-) There will be ballerina pictures soon! :-)