I can't believe I am sitting here writing this blog an hour before the clock turns to 2012 (1) where did the year go?......and 2) wow am I boring these days :-))!! The year has gone so quickly, and our baby Addison has changed in such significant ways! What a joyous year she brought to us all!
The week before Christmas was busy in Minneapolis with a few holiday get-togethers and preparing for our trip to see family!
We all treked to Indy for Christmas festivities starting December 23....daddy left on the 26th....and Addison and mommy leave tomorrow. Our visit definitely got off to a rocky start.....we were all sick! Noah and mommy had the stomach bug, and Addison had double ear infections! Ugh!
On the 23rd we went to the annual family chili supper where Santa made a surprise visit! Addison sat on his lap like a big girl, and although she didn't smile, there were no tears for the pictures! :-) On the 24th we enjoyed a nice relaxing day of lunch out, a few errands, and lots of home time prepping for the big day. We also had our annual Detmer family dinner (thank goodness I married a guy who likes eggs benedict)! Unfortunately on Christmas morning I became very sick so had to spend most of the day in bed or on the couch. We did do some gifts in the morning, and then Noah and Addison attended Nanny's morning breakfast/gifts and evening dinner with mom and dad, and the extended family. On the 26th Opa and Jojo were sick, so Noah, Addie and I spent the day together relaxing and enjoying lunch out. Noah left to head back for the work week the night of the 26th, so sad! As the week continued we started feeling better, except Addie continued to be a little more irritable than normal! I ended up taking her to my uncle for a quick lookover, and sure enough double ear infections! It is amazing how much her antibiotics have helped, and so quickly! We spent a couple nights having dinners/drinks with friends, and catching up with family!
We did get to enjoy a belated Christmas with Nanny on the 30th where Addison got to open her presents.....some of the highlights included an "Addison" puzzle and a barn with animals and sounds!
Some of Addison's most special gifts from Opa and Jojo this year included a small stuffed chair for our living room with her name on it (the perfect size!) and a doll pram! She has really started to enjoy her dolls lately, and has had a great time running around pushing her pram this week and kissing "her babies"!
As I sit here reflecting on the past year, I am so thankful for our many blessings!!! Looking forward to another wonderful year together!