Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Anniversary, Nine Months and Beach Trip!

I just looked across the room to find Addison sitting on Wally's bed with his chew toy in her's amazing how quickly she has learned to crawl across the room! She has been on the go for a couple weeks now.......crawling everywhere and pulling to stand. She has even started to experiment with one handed standing and bending her knees to sit on her bottom from a standing position. Crazy how quickly babies learn!
We have had an incredibly fun couple weeks!
On Memorial Day, Addison got to spend the holiday with daddy while mommy worked. I was so happy that they got some time together before we headed out for our trip.
May 31st was Noah and my 3 year wedding anniversary! I can't believe it has already been three years! We were lucky enough to have the night together as Noah got off early. We ordered in some food and had a cocktail to celebrate. Nothing big and expensive this year.....we were just able to spend some valuable time as a family, which is most important these days with our crazy work schedules!
The next day, June 1, Addison and I left for North Carolina. My wonderful friend Maisie gave us a ride to the airport with all of our luggage and off we flew!! Addie did great on the trip down, and we were lucky to be given an extra seat next to me for her car seat for nap time. This made the flight so easy!! We met Noah's parents in the airport, who were headed back from Italy, and spent the night with them. They were amazed at how much Addie was moving around and babbling, giggling, clapping, etc. It was so much fun to see their excitement, as they had not gotten to see her since Thanksgiving! The next day my friend Nell and her 10 month old daughter, Louise, picked us up and we headed for Wrightsville Beach. It was a long drive down (only 2 hours)...full of babies screaming and babbling back and forth! Nell and I sang many rounds of "you are my sunshine" and "wheels on the bus." :-) We spent 3 nights and 4 days at the beach with my 7 best friends from college and their children! It was an absolute blast!!! We went on lots of walks/jogs, sat on the beach, played with the kids, relaxed on the porch, drank wine and chatted, and had amazing dinners! I loved every minute of it!!! Addie did really well at the beach and seemed to enjoy herself and meeting all of her "aunts" from around the country! We also got a chance to meet up with Addie's uncle Adam, and his daughter Victoria (4 1/2) at the beach one afternoon. The girls were super cute together! On sunday, the 5th, we headed back to Raleigh and my friend Morgan dropped me with Noah's parents again. We spent until Tuesday afternoon catching up with Addie's nana and papa. It was relaxing and, again, so exciting to see them enjoy little Addison!
The flight back to Minneapolis was the only stressful part of the trip. Addie came down with a cold the night before and spent much of the flight back struggling to get comfortable. The flight was crowded and hot, and it made for a long trip! I have never been so glad to see my friend Anne at the airport to rescue us when we arrived! Thank you Anne!
We are now back and feeling better. Addison has been enjoying her exploration of the house, even more now that she has gotten quicker and better at getting around.......and seeing her brother Wally.
We had our nine month well-baby visit today! Addison has grown a ton and is doing just "perfect" per her pediatrician! She is now 18 pounds 10 ounces, and 27.25 inches long! She is now in the 40th percentile for length and 46th for weight......yea Addison! :-)
My little peanut continues to grow up......and our love for her continues to grow as well!
Enjoy the pics and videos from the last couple weeks........

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