Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fun weekend, then a trip to labor and delivery

Well, it sure has been an eventful last few days!
My work shower went wonderful on Friday.....so many delicious desserts and sweet gifts from my amazing coworkers! They are all so supportive of me throughout this special time in my life...and I am so lucky to be a part of that team. I received many of the remaining things that I was needing for baby too.....so nice to be almost done with getting things together for her arrival!
Saturday morning Noah and I drove up north a couple hours to our friend's (the Voss's) lake house....we had a wonderful time relaxing, walking around, griling out and playing with their precious little 8 month old, Ben! It was really fun to get away for a couple days! Enjoy the pics of my huge belly and Wally having a blast swimming as much as possible! The final picture was our attempt at a bonfire Saturday evening...just in time for a downpour. Our friend Chris decided we could gut it out and grabbed us all slickers!!! Hysterical!
Unfortunately Monday morning I woke up sick!!! Ugh! I stayed home from work and as the day proceeded, I became more uncomfortable with a horrific stomach bug. I finally called my OB in the late afternoon and she told me to report to the ER to check me and baby, as she figured I was probably dehydrated. Long story short, I was very dehydrated and proceeded to get sicker once I arrived on the labor and delivery floor. I had a fever and started having contractions regularly (first every minute apart, then it slowed to every 3-4 minutes apart). Luckily the cervix stayed closed and the MD said that it was just baby being stressed by the fever. After letting me relax, keeping baby monitored overnight and pumping me full of fluids-she did finally settle and I was released this morning from the hospital. I am now at home recovering and starting to reintroduce foods slowly...so far, so good. The labor and delivery nurses and I both said that I hope to not return for a few more weeks......!!! :-) Although I did receive excellent care the entire 15 hours I wasa there....definitely reassuring.
Tomorrow is my ultrasound to check how baby is growing and my breastfeeding class to learn all of the ins/outs....looking forward to another day of rest before hopefully returning to work on Thursday!

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