Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Addison McCullough Parker

She's here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe it!!!!
After a wonderful Saturday and Sunday together with Noah and some great friends.....bbqs, last minute baby errands, a trip to the fair with my good friend who is also due very soon.........I awakened to strong contractions at 3am on Monday morning. I knew that these felt much stronger than any I had ever felt, but being 2 1/2 weeks early, I was doubting that this was the real thing. After all, it was Labor Day.........was I really in labor??? Too fitting!!! :-) After pacing around my condo and thriving on the couch for a good three hours, Noah and I decided to call the clinic and let the MD make the decision. She immediately said, "I think it's a good idea to get to the hospital." When I arrived my contractions were about every 5-6 minutes apart and pretty strong...... I labored for about 10 hours like this, and finally at 1pm decided to go for the epidural. This was the best decision I ever made! I finally was able to relax and regain some energy.... Around 5:20pm I was fully dilated and then got to start pushing.....this was the fun part! My doctor laughed at me because she said I'm the only patient she has ever had that enjoyed the pushing...... I guess it was the physical challenge and workout that I loved! After pushing for almost two hours, our beautiful baby girl was born at 7:07pm! Noah and I sobbed when we saw how precious she is.......absolutely perfect! She is 5 lbs. 9 ounces...just under average weight for 37 1/2 weeks and 19 inches long....she has blue eyes and blonde "peach fuzz" for hair! We are absolutely in love, and now I truly understand how amazing the miracle of birth really is........so worth the 10 months preceding such a wonderful day! Noah and I are enjoying our time bonding with her here in the hospital and looking forward to heading home tomorrow afternoon! Will post more soon!!! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Erika and Noah! Avery was born on Labor Day 2009 and it seems so fitting! Enjoy all of the wonderful memories ahead with Addison! Best wishes to all of you! Megan (Murray) Dosmann
